What Do Dentists Mean By Full Dentures?

16 December 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


False teeth come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Some sets of dentures may only replace one or two teeth that have been pulled out. Typically, partial dentures, like these, will clip onto healthy teeth on either side of the gap. They can be removed and cleaned just like other types of false teeth, of course. However, if your dentist has told you that a set full of full dentures will be needed, then it will mean replacing an entire set of teeth. 

Upper and Lower Dentures

Full dentures can mean replacing the upper set of teeth throughout the entire maxillary arch which runs from the molars at the back of the mouth to the incisors at the front. It can also mean replacing the lower set of teeth — or the mandibular arch —  which corresponds to the lower jaw shape. In many cases, patients will be having both sets replaced because there are no longer any teeth that are in healthy enough condition to attach partial dentures to.

Note that complete denture sets, whether they are for the upper or lower part of the mouth, are not merely comprised of false teeth. Dentures of this type will also come with a denture base. In effect, the base of the denture replicates the function that the gum provides in a healthy mouth. It is a foundation for the false teeth of the denture and will be pink in colour compared to the white of the teeth. Usually, the denture base will be fixed to the natural gum line with an oral adhesive to stop the dentures from moving around when eating and speaking.

Understanding Full Custom Dentures

It is important to note that full dentures can be tailored made to the particular contours of your mouth. Partial custom dentures are fabricated all the time in dental laboratories so that a few false teeth can be fitted between healthy teeth to create a seamless look. However, with complete sets of dentures, there is no need to do this because the teeth can be lined up without needing to take into account the presence of other teeth.

Nevertheless, to achieve a close fit of the denture base, a moulded impression of the gum line will usually be taken. This way, dental technicians can produce a set of full custom dentures that will adhere much more precisely to the individual patient, thereby offering them greater comfort and, in many cases, confidence.

Speak to your dentist to learn more about full dentures