Three Tooth Problems You Can Identify By Yourself In The Mirror

20 October 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


When it comes to your teeth, you probably think they are in good condition. However, a lot of people actually gloss over many problems that they have simply because they don't know it is, in fact, a problem they need to be on the lookout for. This can, of course, be combated by regular visits to the dentist, but if you just want to have a regular look at your teeth in the mirror, that can help too. Here are three common problems you can find simply by looking at your teeth in the mirror.

Black Spots On The Crown Of The Tooth  

While black lines along the sides of your teeth mean something completely different, if you see any black spotting or discolouration on the top or crown of your tooth then you likely have a cavity of some kind. Cavities are not just an issue for children, they can be present in adults of any age and they need to be addressed as soon as possible or infections can occur. Those types of infections can be very painful, as you are already dealing with a damaged tooth, so visit a dentist for confirmation and treatment.

Teeth Alignment

Most people have never actually stopped and taken the time to look at their teeth from an objective point of view. If you are one of those people, then now is as good a time as any. You may be surprised to learn that your teeth are not as straight as they feel in your mouth. That is because your tongue has gotten used to the feeling of what they are like now and assumes it to be correct, even if it is uneven in parts. If your teeth lean out or inwards, are uneven in their alignment or have any other kind of issues with their placement then you might want to try and get that fixed.

Yellow And Black Lines Above And Beside Your Teeth

When brushing your teeth, you probably don't get that great a look at them but you really should. You may notice that teeth further away from the front, such as the molars, have discoloured lines where the teeth meet the gums. If these lines are yellow and black and are either at the top or near the sides of your teeth, then you may have tartar build up and regular toothpaste won't fix this issue. You need to get this addressed before you get gingivitis or lose too much of your gums, as that is a very hard problem to reverse. 

Speak to a dentist to learn more.