Unhappy with How Your Teeth Look? Three Practical Things You Can Do

5 July 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Lots of people dislike how their teeth look, whether it's the colour, the shape, or just their overall look. However, it's not a nice feeling and can really impact your confidence. This article explains three things you can do if you don't like your teeth.

Think Carefully About Your Feelings

First, you should think carefully about your teeth and how you would want to change them. You might also think about why, as this is a good indicator of whether you'd benefit from cosmetic dentistry. For example, would getting braces allow you to smile in photos and feel confident, or would you just focus in on something else instantly? Think about what treatments (e.g. whitening, veneers, braces) you would like and what the effect would be and how much you are willing to spend. This will give you a good base to start from when considering your options.

Improve Your Overall Oral Health

You should also take steps to take care of your overall oral health. This is partly because it will make your teeth look better—getting cavities fixed, having professional cleanings, and learning how to properly brush and floss your teeth will make them look cleaner and healthier. If you want to improve your daily oral hygiene routine but aren't sure how, ask your dentist for advice. However, having great oral health is essential if you're considering cosmetic dentistry. Some dentists will not consider giving you braces or implants if you smoke or have very damaged teeth, while others would simply prefer you to have good oral health before they begin treatment. If you want the widest range of treatments to be available to you, spend some time on your dental health.

Speak to Your Dentist about Cosmetic Dentistry Options

By this point, you've probably worked out whether you would benefit from some kind of cosmetic dentistry and what you'd like done. This depends on what you dislike about your teeth and how your teeth currently are. For example, if you mainly dislike the colour of your teeth, whitening might be right for you. If you aren't sure, check online for an explanation of different treatments. When you've decided, speak to your dentist to find out whether your chosen treatment is right for you, how it works, how much it costs, and what results you can expect.

By considering your feelings and making good choices, getting cosmetic dentistry treatments, or simply going to the dentist regularly and taking great care of your teeth, you can do something practical to make your teeth look better.

Contact your dentist for more information.