5 Reasons You Must Get a Dental Bridge

20 October 2021
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


A dental bridge refers to a permanent accessory fitted along your dental lines to replace missing teeth. The bridge comprises several pieces fused to fit into a gap left by the tooth or teeth. When fitted correctly, the dental bridge meets both the functional and aesthetic needs of your teeth. You will eat better, speak better and have a restored dental appearance.

Dental bridges are made from various materials. These materials include porcelain, alloys and gold. The choice of the material affects the cost and durability of the bridge. However, a good quality bridge will serve you for several years when installed properly. Do you have missing teeth? Here are the five reasons dental bridges are the go-to solution:

Smile Restoration

As mentioned, dental bridges fill the gaps left by a tooth or teeth that you lost. This restores the natural contour of your smile, an element that is important in restoring your confidence. Some people feel shy expressing their smiles and laughter because they constantly remember the ugly gap in their teeth. A dental bridge sorts this out for you, so you do not have to struggle covering your lips when you smile.

Dental Bridges Restore Your Pronunciation and Speech

One thing that often results from tooth loss is wrong pronunciation and speech. Your tongue slips into the gaps left by the lost teeth and distorts your ability to pronounce some words. The extent of this damage varies depending on the size of the gaps, their location and language syntax. In worst-case scenarios, you will have difficulty stringing words together, especially if the sound's output relies on the area affected by the gap.

Dental bridges address this problem by restoring your mouth's natural contour, allowing for normal movements as you pronounce words. This helps you restore your self-confidence.

Proper Movements When Eating

Losing your teeth certainly affects your gum's responses to food when chewing. The gaps left could be lines of weakness that make it uncomfortable to chew food from that side of the mouth. Thankfully, dental bridges re-adjust your bite so that you can distribute forces evenly when biting down on food. This reduces the strain on specific gum muscles.

Maintaining Dental Positions

Dental bridges are essential for keeping the rest of your teeth in their natural positions. If you do not fit the dental bridges, the gap left and the extra force required for biting down on food can move the other teeth out of position.