How Do Ceramic Braces Differ From Traditional Braces?

31 March 2021
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Ceramic braces are similar to traditional braces in the way that they function. In other words, ceramic braces use brackets and wires affixed to the front of your teeth, just as traditional braces do. But although they may look and function in a similar manner, there are some important differences between ceramic and traditional braces.

Ceramic braces are almost invisible

The most important difference between traditional braces and ceramic braces is that ceramic braces are discreet. Because ceramic braces are made of clear materials, they are difficult to notice. This makes ceramic braces a good choice if you prefer to undergo orthodontic treatment discreetly.

Ceramic braces utilize slightly larger brackets

Both ceramic braces and traditional braces utilize brackets to move teeth. But the brackets of ceramic braces are bigger than those of traditional braces. This means that you will need to spend more time cleaning ceramic braces. Because the brackets are larger, the ceramic braces brackets trap food particles that you will need to remove later.

Ceramic braces are more brittle

Because ceramic braces are composed of ceramic, which is a material with glass-like properties, they are brittle. This means that they are prone to cracking and chipping under pressure. If you play contact sports like rugby or boxing or you enjoy eating hard foods like nuts, then ceramic braces might not be right for you.

Traditional braces, on the other hand, are metal. As such, there is little chance that they will chip or crack.

Ceramic braces take longer to correct severe malocclusion

Traditional braces are still the optimal way of straightening teeth. While ceramic braces do employ arch wires and brackets in the same way that traditional braces do, they tend to take longer to correct severe cases of malocclusion. This is because of the materials that they are made from.

If you want to straighten your teeth as quickly as possible, then opt for traditional braces.

Ceramic braces are more expensive

Ceramic braces are made of slightly higher quality materials than metal braces. This is why they are a little bit more expensive. And because ceramic braces take longer than traditional braces, the longer treatment time adds a little bit more expense.

Are you considering ceramic or traditional braces to help straighten your smile? Then get in touch with an orthodontist near you today. An orthodontist can help you to decide what will work best for you.