Visiting the family dentist can be a bonding experience for you and your grandchildren

15 July 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Going to the dentist is something that everyone in a family, from the youngest child to the oldest grandparent, needs to do. Take your grandchildren to their regular check up with the family dentist and learn about each other through the experience.

Swap stories

The experience of going to the dentist has changed since you were a child. From the moment of arriving at the dentist's rooms, to waiting for the appointment, through the examination and finally leaving, what your grandchildren experience will be different from your memories. There will also be similarities. Tell your grandchildren about your experiences of going to the dentist when you were young. Ask them questions about their visits to their family dentist. Encourage them to identify what seems to be the same and what may be different.

Find out about the family dentist

Ask your grandchildren about their dentist before you go to the appointment.  Make sure that you know everything they have to tell you about the doctor, the consulting rooms and their experience. If they are at all apprehensive, help them to focus on what they find interesting and even fun about the visits.

Make it all about them

From the moment you leave for the visit to the dentist, make the entire visit all about the children. When you arrive at the medical building, allow your grandchildren to show you how to get to the consulting rooms. If they are a little lost, perhaps you could encourage them to ask directions from the reception, or the doorman. When you enter the waiting area, ask your grandchildren to tell the receptionist their names and that they are there to see their family dentist. Allow them to choose where to sit and wait in the waiting room.

When the dental assistant calls you through, your grandchildren should lead the way. Explain to them that they are the patients, so they are most important. In the examination room, allow them to introduce you to their dentist.

During the examination, pay attention so that you can chat to your grandchildren about the experience afterwards. Perhaps they could ask the family dentist about how dental work has changed over the years.

Compare the experiences

After the visit, ask your grandchildren what they remember about your description of the dentist's examination room when you were a child. Encourage them to remember one detail each. When they have done this, ask them if they noticed if this detail is still the same. Acknowledge all the input they give.

Going to the dentist with your grandchildren can be a great bonding experience and an opportunity for you to share your knowledge and past with them. When it's time to make an appointment, call your local family dentist like Complete Dental Care and schedule a time.