Why You Should Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

9 February 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


If you have wisdom teeth, there may come a time when your dentist suggests having them removed. In many cases, this is optional, while in other cases, it is necessary for proper oral health. Wisdom teeth being removed is a little more complex than getting traditional molars extracted, so it is a decision you shouldn't take lightly. However, here are some common reasons for choosing to remove them. 

The Teeth Grew in at an Angle

When your wisdom teeth first grow in, your dentist will likely take x-rays to see what their position is in. If they are growing in at an angle, they may be pushing against your other teeth. This can not only cause your teeth to become sore over time from the pressure, but it gradually causes your teeth to start shifting. This can affect your smile, including creating gaps where you didn't have them before, or causing more severe misalignment. You might end up needing orthodontics just because of the wisdom teeth. Consider removing them if they are growing towards your other teeth.

They Are Infected

Infection is one of the reasons where you don't have much choice about removing the wisdom teeth. You might have an infection with one or multiple wisdom teeth, requiring immediate treatment. Generally, infected pulp or tissue results in getting a root canal. This is not a necessary treatment in terms of your wisdom teeth. Most dentists prefer to just have them extracted, which removes the infected tooth and tissue at the same time. Whether it is an infection of the pulp or an abscess, you should have them extracted.

You Are Experiencing Pain

Not only can the teeth themselves cause you pain, but you might also have other sources of pain and discomfort because of wisdom teeth. For example, due to overcrowding in your mouth, they may cause pain in your jaw. This can start to radiate around your head, leading to pain in the face, lymph nodes, head, and ears. It can be very frustrating when you feel a lot of pain and pressure constantly. Talk to your dentist if you have these types of pains, as it might be a result of your wisdom teeth, whether they are infected or not.

Also consider the fact that wisdom teeth are taking up a lot of space in your mouth. If you want orthodontic treatment, they will most likely need to be removed anyway.