Orthodontic Situations You Should See Your Dentist About

12 October 2015
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Getting orthodontic treatment done is typically an uncomfortable procedure and may take some getting used to. This is especially true with metal braces, which tend to cause soreness and tightness when you first have them installed. Since this pain is generally expected, it cannot be considered an orthodontic emergency that would require the attention of your dentist. However, there are some instances that you would need to alert your dentist to ensure that it does not become exacerbated into a bigger problem. Here are some of the orthodontic situations that you should see your dentist at a place like Now Dental about:

Swelling in your gums

Swelling is considered normal once you have had the metal braces installed for the first time. However, the dentist will typically prescribe some pain medication and the swelling should gradually decrease. If this does not occur and your gums start feeling tender to the touch, then this could be the signs of an impending infection or the onset of a disease. If you notice your gums are getting increasingly inflamed and the swelling is not dissipating, it is best to pay a visit to your dentist so that they may diagnose the cause and put you on the right path to treatment.

Broken brackets or bands in your metal braces

When you indulge in sticky food substances when wearing metal braces, you increase the chances of the damaging the bands and brackets. Some individuals may assume that leaving the brackets alone will not be a big deal and they can go get them fixed once they are financially capable. The truth of the matter though is the longer you are using metal braces that are not at their optimum, the higher the chances of compromising the entire teeth straightening treatment. Hence, it may all be for naught if you do not ensure that the brackets and bands are fixed.

Arch wires that are poking out

Since most people who have metal braces installed have never had them before, they typically assume that the level of discomfort they feel is normal. Although some pain is expected, you are not supposed to endure undue irritation that may be caused by arch wires that are sticking out. This will typically happen at the back of your mouth or on your inner cheeks. If left unchecked you could end up with scratches and bruises, which would be susceptible to an infection. It is always best to have a dentist have look at the problem and fix the placement of the arch wires post haste.