Tips on How to Properly Care For Your Teeth

22 July 2015
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


The main job of your teeth is to chew food, and to a lesser extent to speak. If you allow plaque to set in without letting your dentist clean it, the plaque can eventually lead to teeth decay. If the tooth decay progresses even further without being solved, it can deteriorate the overall structural integrity of your teeth. Next, your pulp can be affected, which will lead to you needing a root canal in order to fix.

This is why it is extremely important for you to properly take care of your teeth. Here are 4 tips that might seem a little intuitive, but most people neglect to use:

Don't rush the brushing process

Most people consider brushing as a minor inconvenience, and therefore rush through it. It's completely understandable. Even if they are doing the brushing, they often give it little thought. You have to brush properly, or you won't clean your teeth at all. Incorrect brushing often causes more harm than good. When brushing, use a circular motion on the outside faces of each tooth, then move to the insides. Next, you should scrub the surface of your teeth, allowing the bristles to remove any food particles.

Floss daily

Flossing is absolutely necessary. The bristles of your toothbrush are mostly limited and there are lots of places that cannot be reached by them. In order to remove the food particles from those areas, make sure to floss. Don't apply more pressure than necessary; you wouldn't want to irritate your gum lines.

Avoid tooth decay by eating right

Most people were raised believing that foods high in sugar will destroy your teeth. That is not quite right, as sugar won't cause tooth decay by itself. Teeth decay happens when the particles of sugars are allowed to remain on your teeth for long periods of time. Over time, the bacteria found in your mouth will produce acids that begin to destroy the teeth's enamel. After some more time, cavities will start to form. If you don't take care of your cavities, the problems can add up until a root canal is necessary. This could ultimately be avoided by sticking to a consistent diet recommended by nutritional experts.

If you experience any tooth issues despite flossing, brushing, and eating right, consider making a trip to your dentist. They can offer IV sedation in order to provide a comfortable, pain-free environment in which to treat you. Contact a company like Bright Smile Dental Clinic with any questions or concerns you have.