4 Misconceptions Your Dentist Wants You To Dispel Before Your Checkup

23 January 2015
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


So you've decided to make a trip to the dentist and don't know what's in store for you? Perhaps your neighbour has told you about his painful experience with the dentist or how an injection caused you to miss the rest of your day's work. There are several misconceptions associated with visiting the dentist, and more often than not, most of them are untrue. Here are 4 misconceptions that every dentist wants their patients to dispel before a visit to the dental clinic.   

X-Rays Are Dangerous 

Many patients are worried that dental x-rays can cause cancer. It's worth keeping in mind that an hour out in the hot sun without any protective sunscreen is exposure to more radiation than you would get from a full set of dentist x-rays. If the dentist is unable to get an x-ray, they are likely to miss a far more serious dental problem.

The Dental Clinic Will Figure Out Insurance

Many patients come for dental appointments without knowing what their insurance covers. They expect the dentist to have a magic ball that gives out information on their insurance. In reality, the dentist can only provide you with details when they have basic information of your insurance cover – including what is covered and what isn't. Take the time to look it up yourself and know what you can be covered for and what you can't. It saves everyone a lot of time and trouble. 

Bleeding Gyms Are Okay

When you get a deep cut, your first instinct is to head to a doctor to get the appropriate medication for a quick healing process. But for some reason, bleeding gums are completely acceptable and people only visit the dentist if the problem gets unbearable. Remember that if your gums bleed even a little, that's a sure sign of periodontal disease. This may lead to something far more serious if not checked in advance. Mouth piercings can give rise to tongue and gum infections if not done in a sterile setting. Avoid any type of mouth piecing to prevent bleeding gums.

Quick Brushing is Enough For Sparkling Front Teeth

Most people who brush for a mere thirty seconds think of it as a long time, but proper brushing requires at least two minutes every day for a thorough job. Because people are in a hurry, people tend to miss parts of their mouth while brushing, especially the back molars that aren't visible – people tend to brush the areas they see the most and that is mainly the front teeth. Just because your front teeth are sparkling doesn't mean that you aren't facing some gum disease or tooth decay in the back.

Dispel these notions before your next dentist visit for a better oral health experience.