The Facts About Porcelain Veneers

19 December 2014
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


If you have certain problems with your teeth, your dentist may recommend that you have porcelain veneers applied to your teeth. These are extremely thin shells that are custom-made to cover the surface of your own natural teeth. They are applied to the front of the teeth and bonded so they adhere to the surface. They are made to match the colour of your natural teeth, so no one but you and your dentist will know that you have them. Here is some information about porcelain veneers that you should know before having them put on.

What Dental Conditions Are Porcelain Veneers Used To Treat?

There are many reasons why a dentist may recommend that patients have porcelain veneers put on their teeth. Some of the reasons why porcelain veneers are recommended include:

  • When teeth have become worn down over time. This can happen from grinding your teeth, and even chewing.
  • If you have teeth that are chipped or broken, veneers can restore your smile, and you won't need to have extensive dental surgery.
  • Porcelain veneers are often used to make teeth that aren't properly shaped look more attractive. They are also used to fill in gaps between teeth.

What Are The Benefits Of Having Porcelain Veneers?

Many procedures can be used to restore your smile, and porcelain veneers offer many benefits. In addition to making your teeth look more natural, they also would not end up becoming discoloured because of your dietary preferences. Another benefit is that there is less dental work involved with getting veneers than with other procedures. There is no need to grind and shape the tooth prior to applying the veneers.

How Long Will The Veneers Last?

One thing to keep in mind about porcelain veneers is that they are not a permanent solution. They will need to be replaced every few years. But, it will likely be at least five to ten years before you have to worry about this.

How Do You Care For Porcelain Veneers?

You don't have to do anything differently when you have porcelain veneers on your teeth. You will continue to follow your regular oral hygiene program, including regular brushing and flossing, which will not damage the veneers in any way. As long as you have a healthy oral hygiene routine, and avoid eating foods that can leave stains on teeth, your veneers should stay white and bright.

For more information, contact a company such as A SMILE IN THE CITY.